• Speaker Events

    Triangle Freethought Society

    Raleigh | Durham | Chapel Hill

  • TFS Pride Booth

    Triangle Freethought Society

    Raleigh | Durham | Chapel Hill

  • Protests

    Triangle Freethought Society

    Raleigh | Durham | Chapel Hill

  • Cookouts

    Triangle Freethought Society

    Raleigh | Durham | Chapel Hill

A community built on skepticism and secular humanism.

The Triangle Freethought Society (TFS) is a membership-based, organization dedicated to building a community for non-believers in the Triangle area of North Carolina. TFS also supports education, community service, and activism on issues surrounding atheism, secularism, nonbelief, humanism, and skepticism. We are a local chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation and an affiliate of the American Humanist Association and American Atheists serving Durham, Orange, and Wake Counties making up the Triangle region of North Carolina.

Who are we?

TFS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization of freethinkers, humanists, agnostics, atheists, and secularists working and playing together—with reason and compassion as our guides….

What defines us?

Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism or other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good.

American Humanist Association

What do we do?

We aim to create a community for rational, gods-free living that serves the needs and interests of our members in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and the surrounding towns and area.